About Us
Proverbs 27:9 says, “Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy.” The two of us have been blessed with this kind of friendship—a sweet, godly friendship that brings life to the soul! Over the years, we have gotten to experience lots of life together. We have seen God bring His salvation, change our hearts, and make us stronger Christians. And through our faith, God has blessed us with a deep connection as sisters in Christ. Together, we have helped one another through struggles, failures, and fears. It is hard to imagine being the people we are without one another, and we are so grateful for the blessing our friendship is.
We understand, however, that not everyone has this kind of friendship. Many Christians live in secular communities, and find the walk of faith to be very lonely. Maybe that is how you feel. If it is, we would like to welcome you to our blog.

With All of Her Heart was created for the purpose of giving our younger sisters and brothers in Christ someone to walk through the walk of faith with. Our goal is to encourage, empower, and equip you to live for Jesus with all of your heart.
We do not want to suggest that we have it all figured out. We don’t. But we want to use what we have learned to bless you in some way. On this blog, we offer content about the personal walk of faith, lifestyle tips and advice, our own stories, and fun posts about what we love (such as college life, music and dance, and fashion)!
We pray that With All of Her Heart is a blessing in your life. We love you and are praying for you, and we cannot wait to meet you.
Grace and peace to you from Jesus Christ our Lord!
Meet the Authors
Hi, my name is Anna.
I am a daughter and disciple of Jesus Christ, who rescued and redeemed me from my sin!
I was a lukewarm Christian for most of my life, proclaiming Jesus with my mouth but denying Him in my heart. Then, Jesus called me to leave my old life behind and follow Him. It has not always been easy—the walk of faith goes through valleys as well as mountains—but Jesus has always been faithful. The more I get to know Him, the more I come to love Him, and the more full my life is.
I am a big sister at home and at heart, and I am passionate about helping others discover the truth. I am a student at a small Christian college in Canada, working toward my degree in Biblical and Theological Studies. I enjoy laughing with my friends and family, making music with others, learning to express myself through fashion, and (of course) writing. It is so good to meet you, friend!
“But now thus says the Lord, He who created you, O Jacob, He who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.'”
Isaiah 43:1

Hey there, I’m Abby!
On the surface level, I hold a lot of titles. I am a sister, a daughter, and a friend. I am a first year college student pursuing a degree in biomechanics. I am a sports lover and forever a dancer. I am often deemed, “the short one,” or “the little big sister” (which is true). But who am I really? What defines me?
Before I realized who Jesus is and what He did for us, I put my identity in a lot of different things: school, sports, friends, my reputation. Out of that came a lot of sin and sadness, and it really left me in the dumps. In my freshman year of high school, however, the gospel finally clicked for me, and since then there’s been a big shift in my life. The past few years now have been one big journey where I’ve realized that who I am does not depend on what I do or what people say about me, but who I belong to. And while all those titles I mentioned earlier are great and fun and a good way to describe what my life looks like, the thing that defines me is the fact that I am an image bearer of the one true King! And you know what else? You are too!
So, fellow image-bearer, I welcome you to this space, where my hope is that you not only get to know Anna and me better, but through our stories, testimonies, and advice, you get to know your Creator better.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10